For years I've played RPG's from DnD & Traveller, to Hero, Gurps, Call of Cthulhu, and Shadowrun; but my favorite has always been World of Darkness, especially Vampire - The Masquerade. I was there in Seattle when it was born, playtesting on the sly with people that had a sneak peek, playing endless weekends and avoiding the LARPers. It's been years since I played. As I tried to mull over what affinity space I should join, I kept returning to the camaraderie I had with fellow players during all the games I was a Storyteller for Vampire, all the fun we had, the in depth philosophical what-if converstations; I want to recreate that for the digital age.
Inspired by the new text based Prelude game that Whitewolf has released, I decided to create my own space for this. And so was born, VTM-The Aftermath.
I am planning to have the players be both face to face and virtual, incorporating facebook, messenger, the website, blogs, and maybe even twitter, to bring the affinity space alive in multiple ways. It may not be a typical affinity space, but I think it will be something organic and expanding.
Inspired by my fellow Cthulhuians at the HPLS, I'm hoping to post stories from the games and get the characters/players to really invest both in character and out of character. I'll also add discussion elements to our site, Denver Classic VTM as well to really join the disparate platforms together. So far, I already have 6 members via the initial site and a face to face meet up scheduled for Friday.
More on how it goes to come. You can email me via the site if you happen to be interested in Classic VTM.
Happy Gaming!
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